24 December

An SLCM Ode to Christmas.


T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the house,

Not a debtor was paying, not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In the vain hope that cash would be there.


The client was lying awake in his bed,

Bemoaning the account so long in the red.

What should he do? Go beg with his cap?

Sleep isn’t coming, he’s all in a flap.


In the back of his mind, a barely held memory

Wasn’t there a company, firm but quite friendly?

Perhaps, says he, they’ll know what to do,

They’ll make some calls - get me out of the poo.


With queries of old, and invoices a-scatter,

We sprang to the phone to see what the matter.

Through the whole list we flew like a flash,

Tore up the overdraft and deposited cash.


He checked his account and gave a loud whistle,

Away flew his problems, like the down of a thistle.

And we heard him exclaim, his future now bright,

"Happy Christmas to all, thank you and good-night!"


#creditcontrol #debtrecovery #cashflow #loosemoose