23 December

23 December each year sees the Night of the Radishes, a competitive event held in Oaxaca, Mexico, that’s dedicated to the carving of oversized radishes.

Lettuce begin this post by saying that there’s no point in dressing things up – it’s difficult to be as cool as a cucumber if you’ve got a difficult customer who’s reluctant to pay up and it’s a distraction when you’re trying to keep the wheels of your business oiled.

It’s a wise person who knows when to caesar-n opportunity to separate out the tasks. With our credit control service you can do exactly that – we’ll root out the reason for non-payment and then toss together our solution. It might be stick or it might be carrot but whichever, your time is freed up to do what you do (and most probably enjoy) the best.

If you’d like to take advantage of this little gem of an offer, then drop us a line. As you’re doing it outsourced, it’ll save your payroll another celery.

#creditcontrol #debtrecovery #cashflow #waldorf