Well defined and robust Terms and Conditions are the foundations that your company’s trade are built on. They set out the rules of how you’re going to do what you’ve committed to do, what you expect from your client, what your client can expect from you and what will happen if things go wrong.

Get your Terms and Conditions right and they’ll make dealing with problems - for example recovering money that you’re due - so much more straightforward. Get them wrong and you’re set for hours, days, weeks, months or even years of legal wrangling.

We can draft new Terms and Conditions from scratch but if you’ve got existing documents then we can offer these services:

  1. Fit for purpose assessment of an existing document. This is a light touch review of any Terms and Conditions that you currently have which will let you know whether or not you’d be able to safely rely on them in the event of a dispute with a customer. Work to identify and rectify specific shortcomings in your document is not included in this service.

  2. Gap analysis review and report. We’ll carry out a detailed examination of your existing Terms and Conditions and provide you with a report that sets out where and how they might be deficient or need to be improved. Changes to your document will not be made as part of this service but if you’ve already had a ‘fit for purpose’ assessment (the first of our offerings) then we’ll deduct the price of that from the cost of carrying out the review.

  1. Fully amending existing documents. With this service we’ll work with you to produce Terms and Conditions that will give you the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that they fully meet your business needs. Any payments that you’ve made to us for carrying out a ‘fit for purpose’ assessment or ‘gap analysis’ review will be deducted from the cost of carrying out this work.