Outsourcing your credit control will free you and your staff to work on your business, providing goods and services to your customers on a timely basis, secure in the knowledge that someone is working for your business, ensuring your cash flow and profits are maximised.
For a fixed hourly rate, we manage your sales ledger, chase the debt and build relationships with your customers to promote prompt and regular payment. Results have shown that our regular service can dramatically increase your cash flow within weeks.
We can also produce and send out your company’s invoices and statements in a timely manner, influencing the time taken to receive payment for work completed or goods supplied. Copies of the invoices will be passed to you for your records, along with any details of queries or comments from your customers. If something has already gone wrong, take a look at our debt recovery service.
Prices for this service will vary according to the number and frequency of your invoices but will be charged at either a daily or hourly rate and tailored to your needs.