8 January

8 January is National Bubble Bath Day.

A week into the New Year and already any residual calm from the Christmas break will be fading away with each phone call or email that appears. Because of a Christmas overspend and the prospect of a looooong dark soggy January ahead, your shoulders might be feeling as tight as your money.

What’s more, it’s a headache taking time out of your day for chasing some matey for unpaid invoices (when you should be doing work that generates more of them) and it can lead to sleepless nights.

Passing your credit control to us could be the equivalent of giving your business a bubble bath. It’ll make you feel warm, safe and relaxed, it’ll de-stress you so that you can just float away and plan how to spend your new-found wealth. We won’t make any waves, you’ll just hear the gentle popping of bubbles of money dropping into your account.

Oh, and we smell nice too.

#creditcontrol #debtrecovery #cashflow #alifeontheoceanwave