15 January

15 January is National Hat Day.

As small business owners, we spend a lot of time wearing different hats. Some hats sit well on our heads, some make us feel uncomfortable.

Putting on a debt chasing hat is often one that people dislike and avoid as much as possible. It can make them mad as a hatter that people talk through their hat or give them the same old hat about paying their bills.

However, getting annoyed can see you lose business at the drop of a hat. Alternatively, being apologetic and going cap in hand asking for money can make the debtor feel in control, which isn’t a good position to be in.

Outsourcing your credit control, handing that hat to an expert, means you’re one step removed from the situation, which maintains your relationship with the customer and frees you up to do the bit of your business that you actually enjoy.

Why not try it for a month or two, on a no obligation trial basis. We bet you’ll wish you’d done it years ago. And if you don’t, we’ll eat our hats.

#creditcontrol #debtrecovery #cashflow #airborne